Subject : My Auto'blog'ography - Part 3
Posted Date: : Apr 20, 2007 8:54 PM
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My first best friend was C.C., he lived next door to me, we were best friends for several years and that all ended one summer evening in 1989 when we decided to kiss, I was in the eighth grade at the time, and that single event pretty much ended that friendship. He was the second person that I ever kissed; he lied and told everyone that he didn't even like me, it was not cool to like me because I was one of the guys; I had it bad for him for a long time too. After that I held a grudge for four years, I wouldn't even look at him and then I enlisted in the Navy when I was eighteen years old and decided it was time to get over it. Unfortunately before the kiss, I embarrassed the hell out of myself in front of him too. This time it was on a skateboard, me and my genius self decided to clip the end of a jumper cable onto the end of my board, yeah, I stepped on the clamp and did a 360 degree flip in the air, landed on my back, and the skateboard landed on top of me. The first person to stand over me was C.C. and he was laughing hysterically, another low point in my childhood. The first girl that I ever had a crush on was in the first grade, her name was Jackie and all I can remember about her now is that she had the most beautiful green eyes. I didn't have another crush on a girl until like the fifth or sixth grade, her name was Karen and she lived across the street. Between the first and eighth grades I had a total of six crushes, 3 guys and 3 girls. The guys first, I already mentioned C.C., in the sixth grade there was L.D. and he didn't even know that I was alive, good thing we never hooked up though because he later turned out to be a real druggie. Once I embarrassed the hell out of myself in front of him. I was trying to show off by riding my bike passed him without holding the handle bars, I had a hoodie tied around my waist and it got tangled in the spokes of the rear wheel, and I literally did a 360 degree flip in the air, I landed on my back, and the bike landed on top of me. This I can honestly say was one of the lowest points of my childhood, yeah pretty embarrassing. My most heartbreaking crush during this time period was for Alex, his real name was Prudencio Cruz and he seriously didn't know that I was alive and unfortunately I never got the chance to befriend him. He and his cousin were walking down the wrong block and even though they weren't gang affiliated someone just didn't like the fact that they were in their neighborhood so they were both murdered. Alex was only 14 years old and the ironic thing is that his family has just moved him to Chicago from The Bronx because they thought that he would be safer in Chicago, he didn't even last a year, it was a double funeral and I cried my eyes out and no one could figure why I was so upset, I didn't exactly share that fact that I had the hots for Alex with anyone. Now the girls, I already mentioned Jackie and Karen, the only left to tell about is Z.I.R., she was my first serious crush and the first person that I ever said I love you to. I am pretty sure that she thought I meant it in a friendly, sisterly fashion but no I was head over heals. The friendship ended my freshman year in High School, Z.I.R. got pregnant at 15 years old and disappeared from the face of the earth. Mary, Z.I.R., and I were like the Three Musketeers and that relationship ended over a guy and not even a decent guy. Mary and Z.I.R. had a fling with the same guy which started a war amongst them, I was stuck in the middle and then Z.I.R. disappeared, I never saw her again. My first kiss was on a dare, it was with E.G. and he just happened to be dating a good friend of mine Maribel. Maria C.H. dared us to kiss so we did and we thought that was the end of it. Then one day in the middle of Mrs. Jackson's eighth grade Social Studies class Maria C.H. blurted out the details in front of the entire class, including me, E.G. and Maribel. Maria C.H. didn't really like Maribel and this was her way of taking a jab at Maribel and embarrassing the hell out of me and E.G. at the same time. Yup! Yet another not so proud moment in my life!! Well that's elementary school, next high school!!
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