Subject : My Auto'blog'ography - Part 8
Posted Date: : Jun 22, 2007 1:21 AM
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Better late than never, as promised I am continuing my High School years. High School was a freaking' roller coaster, they were some of my best years and my worst years, and unfortunately some of my most wasted years. I worked my ass off in H.S. with extracurricular activities and school work that I just don't think that I had as much fun as I should have. I think I should have spent more time with H.M.R. because he was always fun to be with and he was great to be around, the only problem was that he was rarely ever serious, I needed a balance. I worked all the way through high school, two jobs in the summers, plus I had my school clubs (mostly ASPIRA), and also played softball in the summers with my church youth group, see what I mean, I left very little time to have fun and to be a kid. I guess that is why I can still be such a little kid sometimes; I love the Sunday Comics, SpongeBob SquarePants, anything Disney, etc. I had several crushes throughout H.S. starting with C.M., that one lasted freshman year through the end of sophomore year, and ending with E.D.C. and hell I was hooked on her until like 1997. The only person that I actually dated in high school was H.M.R. but I had lots of friends, mostly through ASPIRA. I was a very social person and my parent's house was the home away from home for many of my friends, ours was the house that everyone hung out at. There were lots of girls and guys that I thought were cute and that I had a physical attraction to but I really don't remember most of their names. Then there were my best friends in high school, none of whom I still keep in touch with. Freshman year there was C.M., Maribel, and Rosie, our little foursome broke up at the end of freshman year when Maribel decided to screw around with C.M.'s boyfriend at the time, we then split up into two twosomes, me and C.M. and then Maribel with Rosie. Eventually Maribel and Rosie transferred to other schools. I then messed things up with C.M. and I did it in the worst possible way, it happened the first time that I got drunk; I started bad mouthing C.M. to anyone and everyone that would listen. She didn't speak to me for a long time after that and even then things never went back to normal. About three years ago I finally told her why I got so upset back then, I told her that I had a crush on her and believe it or not she understood and thanked me for my honesty. Then my next group, or shall I say clique consisted of Stamata, Tracy, Yolanda, Lisa and a couple of other girls, we mostly just ate lunch together and hung out during classes and study hall. Then there was my ASPIRA clique who consisted of Omaida, C.M., Wilson, Evelyn, Marisol, and several other people. I was always surrounded by people, by friends, but even then I never really felt like one of the group, I always felt like I was there but on the outside looking in, like the black-sheep. The only friends that I ever felt like I was on an equal playing field with were those from my old neighborhood, Eddie, Freddie, Indio, Pito, Vanessa, Vina, Odilia, Evy, Gabriel, and Raul; I don't talk to any of them anymore either. Some of the friends I lost because they just couldn't deal with my being a lesbian and a lot of them I lost because we just didn't keep in touch. Pennie and I may be moving to Chicago at the end of August and I think that I may drop in on C.M.; she lives in her parent's old house with her husband. Lately I have really been into reconnecting with family and friends from my past, maybe it is the early onset of some sort of a midlife crisis or maybe it's just me realizing the mortality of us all and how life is too short to not be surrounded by people that you love and that love you in return. My graduation day sucked, it was the day after my mom's birthday and she couldn't be there. My grandmother in Puerto Rico died the day before and my mom had to leave to go home for the funeral, my mom gets to remember her birthday as the day that her mother died and I get to remember my high school graduation as the one that my mom missed because my grandmother died on my mom's birthday. In April of my senior year I joined the Navy, I didn't discuss it with anyone, I just walked in and signed up, they put me in the Delayed Entry Program and my deployment date was the very day of my parent's wedding anniversary. I needed to get out, I was having problems with everyone but my mom and I needed to grow up and to find myself. I made the summer before boot camp my most memorable, my most uninhibited, and my most adventurous, I got high, I drank, I stayed out to all hours with my friends from my neighborhood, and this was the first and last time I was ever shot at. Eddie was shot outside of a corner store, luckily only in the leg, so Freddie decided to avenge his brother's shooting by killing two members of the rival gang that shot Eddie. It was a hot summer evening in Chicago and I was visiting Eddie and changing his bandages, I was the only one that we would allow to do it. The rival gang showed up and surrounded the house and they started shooting. Just then my dad starts screaming my name outside to come home, I called on the phone and asked if I could wait until the shooting stopped, but he said NOW. So I opened the back door and asked if the coast was clear and I made a run for it, I jumped off a porch, ran across the yard and then jumped two fences, I moved faster than I ever thought that I could, I didn't even notice that I lost my glasses. Thankfully no one was killed and I went over the next morning and found my glasses in three pieces, I did manage to get them put back together easy enough. That was a pretty wild summer, it sort of made up for working my ass off during high school. I guess that is it for this installment of my Auto'blog'ography, next installment will be more on high school.
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