Subject : My Auto’blog’ography - Part 5
Posted Date: : Aug 7, 2008 8:32 PM
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In this installment of 'About Me' I have decided to cover a little more about me personally. Some people close to me are less than thrilled that I have decided to start spilling my guts about myself publicly through my Myspace blog. My theory is what do I really have to hide? I mean seriously, I am not rich, I am not famous, and my credit isn't so superb that I should be concerned about someone stealing my identity. Why not tell people what little story about myself that I have to tell? It's not like I have 100 people that actually read my blog, I am lucky if I have 2. Then there is that minute chance that someone will actually be able to relate to my story, maybe they can learn something about themselves in the process; or God forbid, I might actually help someone figure something out that they haven't been able to put their finger on. OK back to my story, lately, I have been thinking a lot about the choices that I have made for my life, wondering if the path that I have chosen to follow was indeed the right path for me. As often as I daydream, sometimes I think that perhaps I should have taken up drama or journalism instead of electronics, I could have written a prize winning novel or won a Golden Globe or something. Even though it is not apparent to those who are closest to me, I have a vivid imagination and I am constantly dreaming myself into different scenarios, at night when I dream I always dream up movies, sometimes when I wake up I think that maybe I should have written that particular dream down before my first five minutes were up and I had forgotten most of it. The weird thing is that when I dream or daydream I see the pictures so clearly in my head, I play out the scenes just how I think they would actually look. I have been a dreamer all of my life, for as long as I can remember I would lose sight of where I was and I would dream myself somewhere else, then someone or something would snap me back into reality. I guess you can say that I am quirky, for instance, I can remember scenes from my childhood so vividly that it almost seems like they happened yesterday but I can't do that same for something that happened to me as early as last week. I am really strong for a girl, I could probably bench press my boss if I tried and I like the fact that I can hold my own with most guys, but I cry during commercials and movies. I can be so one-track-minded just like a man, but I am a sucker for a love story or a sob story, I must admit that I prefer the happily ever afters! I was born and raised in the city of Chicago but I love the country and the wilderness. That is the one thing that I will miss about living in Pennsylvania, I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia and I love the fact that I get to see farmland, horses, deer, and birds. The air is clean, it is quiet, and the view is beautiful, I will miss this place only for all of its beauty. I hate bugs, especially any bug with more than six legs, the girl in me really comes out when it comes to bugs. I also hate any kind of communal gathering of bugs, Indiana Jones – Temple of Doom I can't even watch the bug scene behind the hidden wall, it gives me the willies!! I love working with my hands, building things and fixing things, HomeDepot and Lowe's are my Toyland. I love tools but I only like to read comics or lesbian romance books. I work hard at all that I do, I am dedicated and extremely dependable, but I can also be a kid. I wholeheartedly believe that no matter how old you get you should never forget how to be a kid and you should treat yourself to being a kid once in awhile, you are only as old as you feel. I like getting things done and knowing the plan ahead of time, especially when it comes to major decisions about my life and my future, I'd rather not play it by ear, at the same time I am not so rigid and uptight that I can't just go with the flow. I am a procrastinator when it comes to little things and small projects (my wife really hates this), I have been known to start a project and not finish it for awhile later (I am working on this bad habit as well). It is hard to get me angry (this drives my wife nuts), I am forever the optimist, and I am very laid back. Don't get me wrong, I can lose my cool as much as the next person, but I must admit that it takes a lot to get me there. I am ferociously protective of my family and selected friends! Sometimes I can get emotional about things; when I feel, I feel deeply and unfortunately I can at times be easily offended and I can get defensive, then, as a throwback to my extremely high levels of testosterone, I will make like I don't care what was said or done to offend me, meanwhile inside I am pissed off and crying like a baby. I am a girl but I can be such a guy sometimes!! To end this one, I want to wrap it up with some final basic facts about me. (1) I am a firm believer in "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." {Jesus (c. 5 BCE—33 CE) in the Gospels, Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, Luke 10:27} … I don't like being taken advantage of, so I refuse to take advantage of others and I like being treated with respect, so I try my best to always respect others. (2) I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt; you are innocent until you, in my eyes, have proven yourself guilty. (3) I will give you the shirt off of my back and I will go out of my way to help anyone (my wife is less than happy with this one), and all that I ever expect in return is a thank you and maybe a smile. (4) My life is an open book, I don't mind relinquishing any kind of information about myself or my life, as long as, someone is willing to listen or someone is asking the questions, and the information will not be used to hurt me or anyone else for that matter. (5) When it comes to being a friend, I am as true and blue as they come, although I totally suck at keeping in touch (I am working on the K.I.T. part). (6) If I had to pick one-word labels to represent me I would have to say: 1) Puerto Rican, 2) Lesbian, 3) Aspirante,
4) Chicagoan, 5) Woman, and 6) Sailor. Well, that is it for now. Until next time … Myriam
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